Four Reasons Why Dating at 30+ Rocks

Four Reasons Why Dating at 30+ Rocks

Since the dawn of civilization, pre-marital relationships have had some kind of stigma to them. And while traditionally we've seen dating as something for the 20-something college crowd, the fact is that dating in your 30s is much more exciting and fulfilling than most of us ever dreamed. Here are four reasons why dating at 30+ rocks.

1. You Actually Feel Solid

By 30, you have some form of self-confidence in your identity. Dating can be incredibly daunting when you're in your twenties. You want to find someone who will like you and respect you, but at the same time, you're not exactly sure who *you* are. In your 30s, you have a firmer sense of who you are so you feel more solid in yourself and can actually take the time to look out for a person who understands you and complements you. For many people, this makes for a far more enjoyable dating experience.

2. You Know What You Want

At 30, you know what values you bring to a relationship and what values you'd like to get in return. You don't have to make concessions and overlook those things that matter most to you. Dating at 30 means you can easily discover those things that are most important to you, and set out to find someone who will be a romantic partner and best friend alike.

3. You Get to Be Picky

At 30, you have the freedom to choose who you outdate. No more waiting for Mr. or Ms. Right to show up. You have the confidence to ask out anyone you're interested in and can easily sift through those who don't equal up to your standards. You get to pick and choose which person to date and you can take your time to do it - no more rushing into things before you're ready.

4. You Have a Better Grasp of What Matters

Finally, dating at 30 is a great way to become more in tune with what really matters. You may have experienced heartache and disappointment in the past, but these experiences offer invaluable lessons that help you understand what kind of relationship you want. At 30, you've got an idea of what matters and of what an ideal partner is like, so your relationships tend to last much longer, be more rewarding and you get to have more success.

5. You're Financially Stable

One of the greatest advantages of dating in your thirties is that you're much more likely to be more financially stable. Many people in their twenties are still paying off student loans and trying to find a good job, while people in their thirties likely have good jobs, have paid for some of their debts and have a better sense of security when it comes to money and bills. This financial stability can make it easier to enjoy the dating process and have more to offer potential partners.

6. You Have More Experiences You Can Share

When you hit the big 3-0 you have more to talk about in relationships. You have been to different places, experienced unique things and have more stories to weave in conversation. You are confident enough to admit mistakes, discuss mishaps and open up to heightened conversations. These conversations are far more rewarding than the typical conversations of the twenties when parties, jobs and video games are at the top of the agenda.

7. You Know What You've Learned

The greatest benefit of dating in your thirties is knowing your lessons and sticking to them. We have all had bad experiences in relationships, but at thirty those experiences don't have to haunt you. Instead, you know the lesson from it and choose not to make that same mistake again.  prostitution  know yourself and your likes and dislikes and have no problem speaking up when someone crosses that line.

8. You're Less Expectant

Dating in your thirties means that you are less likely to expect someone else to fill gaps in yourself. Instead, you are much more likely to be content with yourself, know what you want and be confident in your ability to get it. You are also more likely to know when something is wrong and not be afraid to cut it off before it gets too deep. Nothing is worse than expecting someone else to fix your life and then having them walk away.

9. You're More Mature In Your Approach

The level of maturity when it comes to dating in your thirties is much higher than when you were in your twenties. In your thirties, you are more likely to know how to read a situation and respond appropriately. This level of maturity leads to conversations and encounters with a date that are more meaningful and lasting. It also means being more aware of yourself and respecting the other person more.

10. You Can Take Your Time

Finally, you can take your time when it comes to dating in your thirties. With age comes a wealth of knowledge and experience, so you know when to hold back and when to make a move. This gives you a sense of confidence in yourself and your decisions, which can be incredibly appealing to potential partners. You also don't feel the pressure to conform or rush into any relationships, making the dating experience even more enjoyable.